Eyecare Specialist
Helping others see better
Did you know that 80% of all visual care in the United States is provided by Eyecare Specialists? That means that they are a vital member of the eye health field.
Eyecare Specialists help fit eyeglasses and contact lenses, following prescriptions from ophthalmologists and optometrists. They are also commonly responsible for maintaining patient charts, obtaining patients' histories, patient screening, selecting frames for prescription mounting and prescription verification. Additional duties may include scheduling customer appointments, administrative activities, ordering supplies and helping customers decide which eyeglass frames or contact lenses to buy.
The need for quality eye care services is growing as the older population increases and rates of certain chronic diseases that may cause vision problems rises. As a result, there are excellent opportunities in the optometric and ophthalmology fields and in the fashionable eyewear industry for trained Eyecare Specialists.