Commencement Florist Information
Commencement Information

Commencement Information

Congratulations on
starting your new path!

Welcome to the online information resource for North-West College's Commencement Ceremony. Here you will find a wealth of logistical information, helpful tips, and background material.

Some of the most commonly sought after items include: general information about Commencement activities, details about tickets, events schedule, maps and locations, and Commencement news.

Graduate Success Stories

Graduate Success Story - Juan Lopez

Graduate Success Story - Edclaye Joiner

Tell us your story!

Commencement Florist Information

Happy Rose Florist

Happy Rose flowers and Gifts will be on-site selling floral arrangements before and after the ceremony. If you wish to pre-order flowers for the graduation ceremony, please contact Happy Rose or visit their website.

For more information, please contact Happy Rose Florist directly:

Happy Rose Florist

(626) 440-0903

As a reminder, no balloons are permitted in the auditorium.

North-West College and Glendale Career College are not responsible for organizing or assisting with the purchase of flowers or photographs at the event.