President's Message
Commencement Information

Commencement Information

Congratulations on
starting your new path!

Welcome to the online information resource for North-West College's Commencement Ceremony. Here you will find a wealth of logistical information, helpful tips, and background material.

Some of the most commonly sought after items include: general information about Commencement activities, details about tickets, events schedule, maps and locations, and Commencement news.

Graduate Success Stories

Graduate Success Story - Juan Lopez

Graduate Success Story - Edclaye Joiner

Tell us your story!

A Message from the President

To the Class of 2018 at North-West College,

I want to be the first to congratulate you on completing your program and reaching your goals! Many set out to accomplish great things, but few put in the dedication and hard work it takes to make them happen.

As you prepare to walk across the graduation stage, you do so equipped to make a difference as health care providers—as trained professionals who can meet the needs of individuals in hospitals, clinics, dental practices, pharmacies and other medical facilities across the nation.

During your program, our staff and instructors invested in you, offering support, encouragement, and the wisdom that comes with past experience. Now it's your turn to carry the torch they passed to you by investing in the lives of those around you. When you enter the World of Work, remember the care you received at North-West College. Let it inspire you to offer your patients and co-workers the same level of care and respect every day.

And, remember, finishing your program does not mean you leave our family at North-West College. Just the opposite! You are joining our more than 45,000 alumni who have gone on to raise the standard of excellence at health care organizations of all types.

I wish you the very best in all of your endeavors. Again, congratulations!


Mitchell Fuerstnorth-west-college-health-care-careers-president-message